Sunday, July 23, 2017

July 23rd

Five days of racial riots begins in Detroit, leaving 43 dead (including one policeman, two firefighters and one National Guardsman), nearly 1200 injured and close to 500 families homeless in its wake.   

President Lyndon Johnson sent 4700 paratroopers and Governor George Romney called in 800 additional police officers and 7000 National Guardsmen to restore peace to the area.  It is deemed to be the worse riot in US history.    

By the time it was all over there were more than 7200 arrests, nearly 450 fires and over 2000 buildings looted, burned, damaged or destroyed.  Dollar value at the time ranged from $40 - $80 million.   (I think people sometimes tend to forget just how out of control things really were at this time.)

"The Dirty Dozen" is back on top as the biggest movie in the country this week, topping the box office for the fourth time overall (after slipping down a notch the week before)

Philip Seymour Hoffman is born.